The latest February UBC Newsletter includes:
From the Pastor: Let There Be Light
"Love and Light" concert featuring music of Elwyn Fraser and a collaboration of 10th Wave and the UBC chorale and bell choir—reserve tickets (Feb. 15 and 16)
Forums this month: Immigration-related executive orders (Feb. 2), report from discernment retreat in Philadelphia (Feb. 9), Random Acts of Kindness Day (Feb. 16), UBC volunteer and involvement opportunities (Feb. 23)
Wild Church gathering on Nicollet Island (Feb. 8)
Anti-racism work meeting (Feb. 11)
175th Anniversary Committee to convene (Feb. 12)
Ways to support justice in Palestine and Israel
Photos: January Roots Cellar musicians and the UBC Chorale
Volunteer opportunities: Meals on Wheels (Feb. 4-7), Every Meal (Feb. 13), grant writing, history research, UBC/FCC collaboration task force
And more!