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The latest December UBC Newsletter includes:
From the Pastor: Transformative Work
Congregational meeting (Dec. 1) - come prepared to discuss proposal
Forum - Report from Palestine
Update on THRIVE initiative
Housing for Faithful Hospitality
Anti-racism working meeting (Dec. 10)
Christmas cookie coffee time hosted by the UBC kids (Dec. 15)
Lubke caroling party (Dec. 20)
Tree and sanctuary decorating and potluck party, (Dec. 22)
Christmas eve service (Dec. 24, 4:30 p.m.)
Employee appreciation and poinsettia ordering
Volunteer opportunities: Meals on Wheels (Dec. 2-5), Every Meal (Dec. 12), Little Free Pantry, UBC history research, 175th Anniversary planning committee, UBC / FCC collaboration, grant writing
And much more