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This Week at UBC

Updated every Monday

Hello Friends:



I write this on January 6th. It’s Epiphany. I wonder if people will see the light. I remember the mayhem at the US Capital four years ago. Juxtapose this with the funeral preparations for former president Carter. Already revisionist history is being repeated in some sectors. We are called to follow the star in the sky more than the so-called stars in elected office. Hw will we be wise going forward?


I hope you will come to Saturday evening’s Roots Cellar Concert. I first heard Spencer LaJoye’s Ploughshare Prayer during a pandemic era zoom call with either AWAB or the Alliance of Baptists. I was blown away by Spencer’s words and passion. Here’s a taste of what you will see on Saturday night:  

Free parking is available in the Mormon church and Library next door. Here’s the event page for you to share with your friends and family:[%7B%22mechanism%22%3A%22your_upcoming_events_unit%22%2C%22surface%22%3A%22bookmark%22%7D]%2C%22ref_notif_type%22%3Anull%7D


The monthly wild church gathering will be Saturday at 2pm at the Peace Sculpture on Nicollet Island. Join friends from UBC, First Congregational and University Lutheran Church of Hope as we seek to encounter the holy in the natural world. Bundle up. Hand warmers will be available.


On Sunday, we’ll consider the opening verses of Jeremiah’s book. Jeremiah’s book is awash with emotion. He is the lone prophet who has been mostly ignored by the Hebrew people. Despite his repeated warnings, the majority of the people refuse to repent of their idolatry. Most are sent away to Babylonian exile. Jeremiah stays back in the holy land, a man without his people and with his God. His book is written to the remnant left behind and trying to survive when the former government has been overthrown. The question that Jeremiah asks us is can we see God in the midst of despair and loneliness? Read Jeremiah 1:4-10. My sermon is entitled, “A Word for the Remnant”. Violet Butler will be the worship leader and the UBC Chorale will sing.


UBC recently received a grant to enhance our ministry. We’ll work with a consultant for the next year to help us take the next steps on our ongoing discernment process that will help us to be more vital as a community of faith. To help with the process, our consultants have asked each of us to complete a survey about our fine congregation. Please go the this link to add your input.


This week:


Tuesday-Friday Meals on Wheels 11:15. If you can help, please contact Marie LaFrance at


Tuesday-5:30pm Sacred Harp


Tuesday—7pm Memoirs Group


Wednesday—10am UBC/FCC Handcraft group at FCC 800 5th St. SE


Wednesday—6pm UBC Chorale, 7:30 UBC Carillon Bell Choir


Friday—11am-1pm Every Meal at Marcy School


Saturday—1pm Grace in Contemporary Literature by Women

Saturday—2pm Wild Church gathering at Nicollet Island


Saturday—7pm Spencer LaJoye performs at the Roots Cellar


Sunday—10am worship

11am or so Refreshments

11:30am Bible Study, Forum: Palestine part II with Gayla Marty

1pm UBC Council

4pm Sacred Harp​​

Blessings and Peace,


Doug Donley

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