This Week at UBC
Updated every Monday
“The victim who is able to articulate the situation of the victim has ceased to be a victim: he or she has become a threat.” --James Baldwin
Hello Friends:
The Super Bowl has come and gone. Spring Training is right around the corner, just as March Madness heats up. I tell you, sports are a decent distraction these days. Maybe I’ll get out and cross country ski sometime this week, now that we have a decent amount of snow.
If you are looking for another way to lean in to antiracism work, consider attending the Bridge of Reconciliation lunch on Thursday, February 13th 11:45-1pm at 3333 North 4th Street in Minneapolis. If you have any questions, please contact Mindy Lee at You can register here:
This weekend, our own Elwyn Fraser has wrangled the UBC Chorale, the UBC Carillon, the tight chamber ensemble 10th Wave and others in a concert of his own original music. Happening as it does on Valentine’s weekend, the concert is entitled. “Love and Light”. The performances are at First Baptist Church of St. Paul on Saturday at 3pm and Sunday at 7pm. Here’s a link to the poster and event:
On Sunday, my sermon is entitled, “Logs, Fruit and Foundations”. The third in a series of sermons on Jesus’ Sermon on the Plain focuses on Luke 6:39-49. Again, Luke’s account of the sermon has Jesus challenging his hearers to live and authentic and meaningful life. He starts out with the humorous story about focusing on the splinter in someone else’s eye while ignoring the log in our own. While we can pantomime the humor, it’s really an illustration of willful ignorance. When leaders violate law and the constitution in favor of further power, how are we similarly blinded to the impacts of such actions? What obvious things do we choose to ignore? Lots to think about. The UBC Carillon Bell Choir will play and Megan Dahlberg will be the worship leader.
Blessings and Peace,
Doug Donley
This week's schedule:
Tuesday-5:30pm Sacred Harp
Tuesday—7pm Antiracism Group
Meeting ID: 517 697 6753 Passcode: 602794
Wednesday—1:30pm 175th anniversary organizing team at the home of Sue Wester.
Wednesday—6pm UBC Chorale, 7:30pm UBC Carillon
Thursday—11am Every Meal at Marcy School
Saturday—9am Bible Study, focusing on Luke 6 and 7.
Meeting ID: 517 697 6753 Passcode: 602794
Saturday—3pm Love and Light Concert at First Baptist Church of St. Paul
Sunday—10am worship
11am or so Refreshments
11:30am Bible Study, Extended Coffee Hour with activities led by our children
Meeting ID: 839 4725 7444, Passcode: 257750
One tap mobile +13602095623,,83947257444#,,,,*257750# US
4pm Sacred Harp
7pm Love and Light Concert at First Baptist Church of St. Paul